Creating a New Project

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AutoRun Architect allows you to create an unlimited number of projects.
To create a new project:

1.     Go to the File menu.
2.     Select New Project.
3.     The New Project dialog will open.

4.     Choose the method you want to use to create the new project:
·      AutoRun Menu Wizard: use a wizard to create an AutoRun Menu project.
·      Quickie  Silent AutoRun Wizard: use a wizard to create a silent AutoRun in only 3 steps.
·      Silent AutoRun Wizard: use a wizard to create a silent AutoRun with more options then the Quickie Silent AutoRun Wizard.
·      Skip Wizards: allows you to set the basic options for the AutoRun such as the name and disc image directory and then continue using the full AutoRun Architect interface.
5.     Click OK

Related Topics
Managing AutoRun Projects
Selecting Current Project
Editing Projects
Copying Projects
Deleting Projects
AutoRun Menu Wizard
Quickie Silent AutoRun Wizard
Silent AutoRun Wizard